Parenting is not an easy task. Parents were not given a manual on how to parent their child when a child is borned. It is all through experience and sharings that we learn the way to parent a kid in the current world. Many parents would agree that today's children is very different from the previous generation. However, it is today's parents who have changed significantly and therefore bringing up their kids in a different way.

There is no right answer to "What's the best way in bringing up a child?" but being a pro-active parent is the best thing that we can do for our child especially during the formative years.

I hope this site can be a platform for parents to share their views and to get various parenting tips.

Happy Parenting! :)

How to Increase Breast Milk?

Many nursing mothers have the same question in their mind. "How can I increase my milk supply?" Based on my personal experience, these helps me to increase my milk supply:

  • Drink plenty of water, minimum of 2 litres.

  • Take warm bath before feeding. (You can feel that your breast become fuller during warm bath.)

  • Massage your breast.

  • Think of your baby.

  • Look at your baby's photos or videos.

  • Cuddle your baby.

  • I have tried above methods and it has always bring in the milk flow instantly.

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